Part 2

Picking up from the Book of Exodus, when the Israelites had just been freed from slavery and they were busy rejoicing at the taste of freedom, the same way we did after deciding to walk away from our old lives and surrendered our lives to God with the energetic voice of "Okay God, let’s do this. I will follow You wherever you take me’.
We are excited at the thought of this new page and adventure. Then God sends His Spirit to go with us, lead us so that we are not lost along the way, and we are not frightened when darkness comes, as a reassurance that we are not alone.
In the instance of the Israelites, He sends them two pillars, the first being a cloud that goes before them during the day and leads them. A lot of times, we take it for granted that since we are able to see direction and the way we ought to go, be it a career in finance, we believe that we need no further instructions and can take lead from that point. What we do not realize is that there is a specific way he wants you to approach that He wants you to apply within the situation he has placed you in. Which is why we need to be led by the cloud "Holy Spirit" in our daily lives, although we believe that we are able to see with our own eyes. Even on a bright day, there are so many perspectives on life and reality we are unable to see.
He then gives them the pillar of fire by night, which is meant to light their way, and we too need this in our lives. This will help us remember that no matter how dark it gets and we are unable to see God or hear His voice at times, His presence is still with us, around us, and He has not abandoned us that night.
Fresh out of slavery, the Israelites were in this dessert knowing where they were going, but not knowing the direction they were to follow, so they needed this reassurance that He was still with them.
Therefore, when we listen to His Spirit and take attentive note of Him, even in our darkest hour, we will begin to realize that it is God saying, "I’m still with you, still lighting the way, still leading you, you are not going through this alone." There is so much that we need to adjust from within ourselves, from the mentality of who we were in our past lives, the kind of life we used to live in relation to the life He is taking us into.