For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, ' Jeremiah 29:11

Becoming RedeemedN was not a matter of discarding Sibusiso as a person, but growing into the person God needed me to become.
You need to struggle a lot to make that shift because we fear the change, not realising that it is instead a shift from being in a figurative womb to being alive. In the sense that you have become accustomed to the flaws and limitations that were found in the person you have been up to this point, you may understand the reasons behind the behaviour, and you can identify the patterns.

Now being faced with the reality that that wasn't for you nor who you were meant to become, you are faced with the reality that you cannot think small, shrink back and accept the limitations found in the person that you are.
You have to look forward and deal with the limitations and stumbling blocks that hinder you from growth, even the ones you have excused as being a part of who you are.
Honestly, sometimes we prefer the lies rather than having to deal with all that pain that was built up, those scars that never healed, because we fear the process of surgery and would rather limp through life.

God made me cry each and every single tear that I chose to swallow up instead of crying, and I am still doing so. You, too, will have to do the same in order to be born anew from the belly called life and into the person He formed you to be.