"I don't have anyone else."
At some point in our faith, we will all be forced to either swallow the hard pills in order to live our life of faith, compromise, or bend the knee and surrender to a quick solution, giving up on God.
I know just how hard it is not to bend the knee, especially when you have nobody else to turn to and share the load. However, God has not called us to walk down a smooth road where following Him is as easy as the pop of a pill and all our problems are solved.

Truth be told, faith in God is that bitter, hard pill that you swallow because you know it will strengthen you the most.
Sometimes you will feel so weak that you have no strength left to resist succumbing to the weight of the load and that voice that tells you to give in because his solutions are easier, that God's will and ways are a steep climb.
But you have to ask God to find that walking stick that will keep you standing. This could be a song, a Psalm, or a verse, but that's how you'll keep from falling over when there is nobody else to speak that word back to you. You need to remember that you are His and being His you cannot agree with a statement that claims "God could not come through for you."

Allow His word and promise be the one thing that you do not lose along the way just because it has become too hard to bear. I agree that when the bank balance is empty and you have no one else who will help you through the month, opting for solutions that can relieve those financial (emotional, etc) burdens is tempting, but you cannot because you'll lose out on the spiritual battle that's being waged.
Reality is this: during the times when you have no more strength, physically or otherwise, and are at the brink of compromise, that's when God is busy conquering the spiritual battle and the enemy wants to distract Him by tempting you.
I admit that we live in the physical as much as we are spiritual, and at times, what happens in the physical may seem more real than the unseen spiritual battles, but believe me, God is still in control of both. But God is more concerned about strengthening you spiritually so you can have spiritual victory than providing you with the world at the cost of your soul.