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Trials into gold

Writer's picture: Redeemed SibusisoRedeemed Sibusiso

Updated: Dec 29, 2021

Gold without trials seems to be one of the unrealistic expectations we seem to have as people.

God, I want the blessings, the wisdom, and the elevation, but without the fine print. It is this train of thought which tends to cripple many of us when the trails and tribulations come, when we are faced with sacrifice and fully surrendering the whole outcome to God.


It's as if we expected God to hand over the treasures of His promise with a simple prayer, but the reality is that we need to go through that journey; otherwise, we do not grow, nor does our faith in God. How can we believe in a God who provides, loves, parts the seas, and stops the sun if he has never revealed this side to us?

motivation on trials

As painful as the trials may be, they allow us to see God in ways we never would without them. Let this encourage you through the trails.


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